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Writer's pictureAIESEC in Cabo Verde

A Typical Day in the Life of a Cabo Verdean Exchange Participant

In order to fulfill our mission and vision in AIESEC, we offer a number of products to our participants to help them build and develop quality leadership skills. Some of our products include Global Volunteer (GV), Global Talent (GT) and Global Entrepreneur (GE).

The most explored of these opportunities is the Global Volunteer where you get to work on solving one of the SDGs in a country of your own choosing.

Anyone who participates in any of our products is known as an Exchange Participant (EP), and in this article, we'll be describing what you should expect to be a typical day in your life when you decide to volunteer with us in Cabo Verde.

While volunteering on an SDG, your typical day will begin with you waking up of course. Based on your morning routine, you might start your day by saying a prayer, doing some exercises or yoga, meditating, and everything in between.

Next, you'll prepare for work and probably grab breakfast if you can, when you arrive at work varies depending on what project you apply for and what part of Cabo Verde you'll be volunteering in.

At work, you'll be assigned a number of tasks to complete and after you are done, you may leave to return to your residence. For instance, if your work focuses on gender equality and you choose to work on a project with a girl child’s rights NGO, your tasks may revolve around giving talks at schools, mentoring girls enrolled in the NGO, creating fun activities to educate girls on their rights, public sensitization, and the likes.

Keep in mind that depending on your project you may have a few hours of the day free, most likely your evenings may be free for you to relax, and to do whatever is most productive for you. You can choose to explore the city too, visit the beach and just have a good time.

Next thing you could do is to go back home and have dinner. All the interns can decide to have a Cabo Verdean delicacy or an indigenous dish from any intern who volunteers to make his/her traditional cuisine for dinner.

After dinner, you may decide to have conversations with those around you and get to know one another better, or work on completing unfinished work-related tasks.

After a long day of making the world a better place, you may go to bed whenever you feel comfortable with; as long as you’re sure you get enough sleep to keep you energized throughout the next day.

This is just a simple summary of what a typical day of volunteering as an Exchange Participant in Cabo Verde looks like. Depending on your interests and how you plan your exchange experience to be like, there could be more things for you to do every day.

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